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Tips 4 PC

Enable and Disable automatically running CD-ROM


When you insert a CD-ROM disk,  your CD-ROM drive always runs automatically for the default setting (autorun CD-ROM). We have a tip to disable running your CD-ROM drive whereas you can enable it running again as you want. This tutorial will teach you to enable or disable running CD-ROM drive by editing a registry. Follow these steps.

* Click Start > Run .
* In the Run dialog, type regedit and press Enter.
* In the Registry Editor window, Go to the path like below,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentCo ntrolSet Services Cdrom

* Now you can see the AutoRun DWORD in the right panel, double click on it.
* Change the Value data to 0 for disabling automatically running CD-ROM, then click OK. If you want it to automatically run again, you must fill 1 value in the Value data.
* Close Registry Editor window and reboot your computer.
* Test it by inserting your CD-ROM disk. Now your computer does not automatically runs your

How to increase your Laptop Battery's Life?

Follow the few steps to increase the laptop battery's life:

Lower the backlighting on your screen.

The screen of your Laptop takes up significant amount of power and you do not require its maximum brightness. You should have to check your system and decrease the screen brightness it to a comfortable point.

Stop your wireless signal when you are not using.

After turning off your Laptop can save max. 20 minutes of your laptop's battery time because WiFi can use a considerable quantity of power. By right clicking you can stop your WiFi signal when you are not using.


Manage the correct power scheme in XP

Windows XP contain a number of predetermined power plans, which control settings like how rapidly your laptop turns off and when your screen saver boots in. You can change your laptop power scheme by choosing Control Panel > Power Options. For max. Battery life from the "Power scheme" chooses the option "Max. Battery" and decline the list. There are good choices for you just like "Low Power Mode" and Portable /Laptop. They don't conserve as much power as Max Battery. After selecting a power scheme you click Ok button to finish the


10 Basic Tips For the Internet Explorer (IE)

order to use the Internet Explorer (IE) effectively, we have some basic tips for you to try… Ok let's go now.

   1. To extend the window area of the IE, you can make it easy by pressing the F11 key. Then you press it again in order to return the IE to the normal window.
   2. Sometimes you want to search a keyword in a long web page that you are surfing. How do you do ?? Just press Ctrl+F and place the keyword you want.
   3. Using Backspace key in your keyboard instead of clicking Back in the IE window.
   4. You can close your IE window that you are surfing by Ctrl+W.
   5. To see the surfing websites history, Press F4 key to see the URL which you have typed.
   6. Press Ctrl+D in order to save the URL which you are surfing. And the URL will be in the Favorites.
   7. To send a web page to your friend. Do you know we can send it by email from the IE's tools ? Let you try it, go to File > Send > Page by E-mail...
   8. To slide the web page by using the keyboard, try it with the arrow keys. To slide it to the bottom and the top of the web page, try the End and Home key.
   9. If you find a picture that you prefer it to be the desktop wallpaper, you can immediately set it, right click on the picture area and select the Set as wallpaper.
  10. To slide the web page gradually, you may use the Page up, Page down and Spacebar keys.
Try it !

Better Email Accounts Management with  Zimbra Desktop 

If you are involved in a lot of Internet activities, like social media or running blogs, you may need to have multiple email accounts. While both Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook allow receiving messages from multiple POP3 email accounts in the same inbox, not all web-based email services offer this possibility. GMail does, but Yahoo doesn't, as far as We know.

Recently, this feature has become available for Yahoo email accounts, thanks to Zimbra, a Yahoo company which deals with in open source, next-generation messaging and collaboration software. They have launched Zimbra Desktop, a desktop application which allows people to gather all their email accounts in one place.
Zimbra Desktop Key Features

    * Operating systems compatibility: Windows, Apple, or Linux desktop computers
    * Applications: email, contacts agenda, and calendar all in one application
    * Account Wizard facility: set up Zimbra, Yahoo! Mail Plus, AOL and Gmail email accounts without having to know technical issues
    * Other types of email accounts that can be added: any POP or IMAP email account
    * Email storage space: unlimited
    * Accessibility: both online and offline

Should you be interested in trying this desktop application which is currently in Beta, you can discover more advanced features and download it for free. Support is offered via Zimbra applications dedicated discussion

The Simple Steps to Online Hard Drive Backup 


Ensuring you have a second copy of all your important files, documents, videos, photos etc. Is a must for any computer user. Backups shouldn't just be thought of for businesses, they are just as important to personal computers at home especially if they hold precious family memories in the form of videos and photos that could never be created again if lost.

Step 1

You need to pick a backup service to use. The two popular ones that most people use are either Mozy home backup or Carbonite. Both have similar plans, We Have personally used both and like the software that Carbonite uses better the Mozy but it's personal preference.

Visit one of their sites, sign up under their free trial and download the desktop software used to transfer the files from your PC hard drive to their online storage servers.
Step 2

Next you need to choose exactly what it is you're going to backup. Most of us backup our entire My Documents folder, but you may have files stored on other areas of your home or office PC you want backed up as well.

After installing the software for the online backup service you've chosen their should be a video or some tutorial to walk you through how to add files and folders to your backup set.

With Carbonite it's as easy as right clicking on a file or folder and selecting "back this up". That file or folder will then be added to your backup set.

The great thing about this entire process is that as you add new files and folders to the directories you're backing up those new items will be added to your backup set online.

Step 3

Time to start loading those files from your local hard drive onto the online backup server. Thankfully now the process is more or less automatic. You don't need to move files one at a time up to the online backup server. The software you downloaded and used in step 2 does all that for you.

The first time you load everything up it might take sometime, but be patient. The big upload only has to happen that first time. Then from there on only files that are changed, or new documents and files are

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